Ron LeGrand is teaching THIS SATURDAY May 10th in Los Angeles for FREE by himself!
Here's the story by my friend Steve Love:
Dear IRCA Friends-
Your read the above headline correctly. Due to some very late and unexpected events, Ron LeGrand will teach an all day event this Saturday, May 10th, 8 am –5 pm in Culver City. For those of you who know Ron, that’s enough said and we’ll see you there.
For others who don’t yet know Ron, a further explanation may be warranted. You may or may not know that Ron founded our group, the IRCA (Investor’s Resource Center of America) about 3 years ago. He chose my spouse and myself to run the group due to our success in the local market. He planned to meet with our group himself and train our members once per year. When it became clear that the time required to spend with all the groups in the 10 cities that he founded would be too great, he backed off and asked us just to run the group without him. Nevertheless, whenever I’ve seen him in the past 3 years, I’ve repeatedly nagged him to come train our group, but without any success. Then yesterday I heard that he’d be in Los Angeles this Friday on business. I immediately called Jennifer, his CEO and she got him on the line. I nagged him some more, but he didn’t think we’d have enough time to get the word out, locate a room and get the million little things done that are necessary to do in order to have such a training event. After some more nagging (maybe begging?) he reluctantly agreed. Maybe we don’t have enough time, but we’re going to give it our best effort!
He asked me to emphasize to you folks that he’s doing this for two reasons:
1) to get me off his back
2) to help our members in this so called “crappy” market. He intends to teach us how to deal in this market, how to adjust to it and most importantly how to PROSPER in this market. Unlike what the media says, this is the best buying opportunity we’ve had in a decade. It’s time to “make hay while the sun shines”.
You probably know that Ron is undoubtedly one of the best and most respected real estate entrepreneur trainers on the planet. He’s in such demand that he only speaks to very large groups of 300 or more. To get him to train our little group personally, all day and for FREE is unprecedented! I know this is very short notice and you may already have plans for this Saturday. Cancel them! You absolutely, positively MUST be at this event Saturday! To be able to gain his knowledge, ask him questions and even bring your own deals for his feedback in such a small intimate setting is a most rare privilege! BE THERE!
Here’s the deal: like all our General Meetings, this event is FREE and open to anyone. You may bring any guests, but each person must sign up in advance by calling our office at 818-678-6269 or fax us at 818-998-8064 and give us all the following information: 1)Name 2)your email address 3)Phone number 4)Fax number
5) mailing address. All 5 of these items are required. If you come on Saturday without registering first, you risk not having a seat. Seating for this intimate event is limited!! Get registered NOW!
Details: Check in will start at 7:00 am this Saturday, May 10th. We’ll meet at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 5990 Green Valley Circle (at Sepulveda), Culver City. Ron will start teaching promptly at 8am and will go all day until 5 pm. Ron will be the ONLY speaker. Refreshments will be provided. DO NOT miss this event!! I’m sure it won’t be repeated.
Steve Love, co-director IRCA
P.S. I almost forgot. After I got off the phone with Ron, I asked his CEO Jennifer if she could supply some special FREE goodies for our group. After searching, she agreed to give everybody in attendance 1) a special CD on land trusts that they sell for $59.95, and 2) a brand new set of 10 special reports that’s so new they don’t even have a price for them yet.
Again, DO NOT MISS this event! Come meet the man who’s changed countless lives for the better, including Yours Truly. See you Saturday! Register Now at 818-678-6269 or fax 818-998-8064.
It's worth attending. I don't like his style but Ron has created many successful real estate investors.
I wish you... Intelligent Investing!!!
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