Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Been a full day so far:
- inauguated a new president
- learned that Citibank agreed to a bankruptcy judge changing the terms & rates on their loans.
- watched the PBS show "The Ascent of Money" which does a great job of explaining the current financial crisis, it's roots and how the financial markets work. Excellent! (those guys from Enron should have really been hammered even more for their part in the California energy shortage!)

I attended the North County Real Estate Investors meeting in Vista and listened to Kim Taylor explain how create syndications for putting together investors money. She did a good job and her mentor, Gene Trowbridge, will speak at the Real Estate Expo Sunday morning @ 9 AM.

FYI, I'm scheduled to speak at the Real Estate Expo this Friday January 23rd from 1-3 PM about Creative Financing and Notes.


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