Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Obama's 2010 budget will run a 1.5 Trillion deficit. It is estimated that if the government stays on the same course it has been on for the past forty years, the federal government will soon have a $10 trillion budget. 

What is a Trillion anyway? According to 10077.com it is a 1 followed by 13 zeros; if you placed one dollar bills end-to-end the chain would stretch between the earth and the moon 200 times; a military jet traveling at the speed of sound would have to be airborne 14 years to unwind a trailing roll of one dollar bills.

So $1.5 Trillion of dollar bills would take that jet 21 years to unwind. That's a lot of money. I hope our recession doesn't take that long to unwind.

BTW, California's budget gap (deficit) is expected to be $6.6 Billion this year & is expected to grow to $14.5 Billion next year.


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