Maui Mastermind/David Finkel - Build a Level 3 Business workshop reviews
Here are attendees reviews about the workshop:
This is in response to your request about our opinion of the Maui Mastermind experience. I thought it presented a lot of information and kept fairly well on track. Even though I don’t wish to build a level 3 business myself, I can see what direction I should head in so I don’t end up being a slave to my business. The information was organized and laid out in a logical fashion. Even though they did have one guest speaker selling her program, it tied into the subject, and she was not as long-winded as most “selling” speakers.
My only “beef”, as with almost every seminar, is the fact that they made a big deal about being back from our breaks on time, yet as the seminar progressed, they themselves got worse and worse about starting on time. Since they were running behind on the last day, because of this reason, the explanation of how to operate a Mastermind Group was hurried through. Since “Mastermind” is in their company’s name and a major topic in their book, I was surprised that the topic was glossed over so quickly, saying that we could read the sheet for ourselves.
But all in all, I would definitely recommend it to someone wishing to build a business. __ T.B.
Thank you for introducing David and Stephen. I appreciated the huddle at the last day for feedback. Per your request, would like to provide some input.
-Good material for beginners
-Good business outline for the start up and how to use their consulting services if need be, and make a company valuable to sell
-Excellent Time Management Piece: I agree with you that this was possibly the best part
-Didn’t discuss partnerships as promised before the lunch break on Sunday. I would like to request some info or follow up if that permits
-Great value for SDCIA members: Thank you for setting that up!
However, most workshops are up selling. The more you pay, the more you get perhaps.
The only speaker of the panel of 4 on Sat. early afternoon, was Pakreet Padda, that I found very successful. But he was a MD prior to building businesses. With a high income to begin with, it’s easy to thrive with the right people for ventures.
Please take my feedback as an opinion. Thank you again for putting all this together and SDCIA for us to hone our skills. __ J.H.
I've been to several seminars since I began this new educational process last year. Compared to the others I've attended, the Maui weekend offered more good content and less snake oil than any of them. I felt that David Finkel was a high-quality dude (meaning he was sharp, pleasant and sincere), and I was impressed with his candor and the panel he assembled for the Q & A session. I did not sign up for the high-dollar stuff so I can't speak to what they do when you're in their student stream. Besides the fact that they didn't shell out for any food, coffee or frills of any kind, I thought it was a terrific use of my three-day weekend to be there.
I appreciate your efforts to steer these folks toward value, and I think you're right on in using the club resources for this purpose. Great job; thank you! __ D.H.
The focus of this conference was Business Development: working with business owners to help them both grow their businesses independent of themselves and to grow their wealth independent of their businesses. It,too, was both well planned and well executed. David Finkel was the primary speaker. He is fortyish, talented, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and dynamic business owner, real estate investor, author, and educator. A panel discussion provided a friendly yet intensive interaction between the audience and several panel experts who represented a wide range of real estate investment and business development experience.
Bill, as you know, I subscribe to both of these organizations. And I believe that both Than and David provide excellent education, materials, resources, and conferences. I recommend them as speakers for SDCIA.
__ A.L.
David Finkel is a scam artist. He will willingly take your money and teach you the things "to lose your money". Do not go to his events or be swayed by him. He is a wolf in sheep's hawaiian clothing.
Looks to me like there are a lot of negative comments about David Finkel, starting back when he had Mentoring with Conti. Some interesting comments at Amazon on his books about how he scammed people in that company.
Maui Mastermind looks like its a scam to.
And has some good points.
David Finkel, Maui Mastermind, a lot of people think both are scams
I have been to several of David Finkel's workshops, as well as dozens of entrepreneurial workshops, forums, and seminars over the past 20 years, and I felt that David's workshop was definitely worth the money I paid and the time I invested. In my experience as a workshop participant, and in general in life, you have all kinds of people, many of them fall in the category of victim, and those who cry the loudest that they have been scammed have a "victim" mindset. I have met and talked with people who were gifted workshops before (in other words it didn't cost them a penny) and because of their 'victim mindset' they felt like they were screwed. In my experience with David Finkel's workshops, just like Tony Robbins, CEO Space, Robert Allen, and dozens of others, you get out what you put in... if you just show up and expect to be wealthy at the end of the three days, or maybe have some great new insight or connection, but you didn't go way out of your way to make new connections, or to follow-up with the people you met then you will always be disappointed, because you are hoping for something that never was or never will be.
Success takes effort, lots of consistent and persistent effort, a workshop, forum, or seminar can really jump start that for you, but you still have to put forth the huge effort required to be successful.
If blaming David Finkel, Robert Allen, Tony Robbins, or anyone else for that matter makes you feel justified in your lack of success, then success isn't likely to be in your future.
Can you change? Sure, is it likely that you will change? Nope. But that, like everything that happens to you, if almost completely up to you. Good luck.
I'm the owner of a small business and have been part of David Finkel's Maui Mastermind community, coaching program, and business workshops for several years now. I tend to be super skeptical and somewhat self-confident that I already know a lot (I used to be an executive in large companies before leaving the corporate world behind to run my own small business). So I went to the first weekend workshop with David Finkel with a great deal of skepticism. The weekend session is far from inexpensive, and I need a lot in return for the investment of my time and money.
Well - David turned out to be a wealth of true, practical and applicable knowledge that I could immediately apply in several areas of my business with good effects right away. Not only did I sign up for the annual membership then and there, I've done it for 4 years now, and wouldn't give it up. As a business owner one is rather isolated, and one only knows what one knows. The Maui Mastermind sessions always give me tens of important insights and ideas in what to do and how to do it better, and my business (and I as its leader) have been transformed to the much, much better as a direct result.
Anyone who claims it's a scam has either a) never even attended Maui Mastermind session with David Finkel, or 2) isn't smart enough to grasp the business concepts or 3) wants magical results without putting in any effort to improve their business.
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