Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You should make it a point to look in on other REIA groups when visiting other parts of the country. They do things differently than we do at the SDCIA and you can certainly learn something new... especially if you've invested in those areas.

I spent a lot of time in Las Vegas since our meeting and it was HOT!!! I had the opportunity to speak to the Las Vegas REIA and at the Mid-Year Leadership Conference for the National Real Estate Investors Association. Both were a lot of fun and firsts for me. I'd never been to either before.

Jason & Debbie run their club differently & I picked up a few new things that we might use. I then attended the National REIA conference & learned about how other clubs run their groups & meetings. I took lots of notes & we'll evaluate those new ideas. We'll at least try anything that might make our meetings better. And you'll be the judge on whether we're successful or not. Please let us know how we're doing & any suggestions you might have.

This month's speaker for the SDCIA is Robert Campbell. He talks about "Timing the Real Estate Market." You'll find Bob to be entertaining, energetic, funny, full of facts and confident of his conclusions.

I met Bob Campbell years ago. My first memory is a self-directed IRA class we attended in the Marina Village put on by an Entrust franchisee named Bill Campbell. A very good class & there were only six of us students.

I saw him on & off over the next several years. He would look like a complete slob, totally unlike how he appears for presentations (a lot like me...). One day I flew to Oakland to meet with Entrust about possibly teaching their self-directed IRA classes. Lo & behold in the long Southwest Airlines line was Bob Campbell. We sat down across the aisle from each other & began a conversation that lasted through takeoff, drinks & snacks, landing, waiting for our luggage, getting a rental car and until we drove away. It was without question one of the fastest & most pleasant trips I've ever taken.

I've considered him a friend ever since.

He's very intelligent and a voracious reader. This is how he keeps abreast of all the information he tracks for the readers of his newsletter. Bob's also humble in that he says he's correct with 80% of his predictions.

That's a pretty darn good average! It's a lot better than these gurus that leave the impression that they never make a mistake. And they DO make mistakes. Everybody does. That's how we all learn & then hope not to repeat any of those mistakes.

What does all this mean? Come and listen to my friend, Bob. He's a very smart guy. And I am fortunate that he gives me five minute conversations that stretch to a couple of hours. Because I learn from him and you can to.