Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Your Voice Counts by Tony Alvarez

Here's a great commentary by my friend Tony. It's followed at the bottom by an opportunity to let your voice be heard via anonymous polls by Fox & CBS News. Once you take the poll, you see the results of other voters. I was surprised.


I know you guys think I'm all about real estate, but I also have some very strong opinions about other things as well. Recently, I was having a conversation about the political changes that our country is going through and its effects on real estate and finance.

My friend responded with "I don't wanna think about any of that stuff 'cause I can't do anything about it." It's a sad moment in our country when an American citizen has reached the conclusion, in their own HEART AND MIND, where they sincerely believe that they have absolutely no power over their own destiny. And that opinion is absolute hogwash and definitely the most un-American statement I have ever heard.

This is the same fear based thinking that leads to inaction in our investment lives. The only thing YOU have to do to SQUASH those fear based thoughts is to get off your butt and TAKE ACTION!  Voice your opinion regardless of what you imagine the consequences will be.

If I have any agenda, it is to FREE YOUR MIND and remind you that, as with anything that you feel strongly about pursuing, it is always within your power to make it happen for yourself.  Regardless of your political views, here's a chance to let your voice be heard. It takes less than 15 seconds, yet the moment that you do it, you'll be quickly reminded of what it feels like to be an American. We "still" have the right to enjoy the freedom of giving a voice to our heartfelt opinions. For god sakes, EXERCISE IT!  Take some action. Voice your opinion. Email everyone you know and tell them what you think. Get involved! You just might find that you can, in fact, make a huge difference. If nothing else, you will know you have done the best you can possibly do. And that's as much as anybody could ever ask of you.

Our right to choose and take action is the most valuable asset that we, as individual human beings, posses. And especially as Americans, historically, we have paid and continue to pay a tremendously high price to hold onto that freedom. It has never been our way to go quietly into the night. Use it or loose it - it's YOUR CHOICE!


Uncle Tony


Fox News Poll

CBS News Poll

FYI. Tony always has our national flag prominently displayed whenever he puts on a workshop or seminar.

Bruce Norris on Fox Business Live!

Here's a 9 minute segment of Bruce getting interviewed on Fox Business Live dated March 12, 2010. He's great as always. We will see him again at the SDCIA May 11th meeting too!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The future of supermarkets?

This article was in BusinessWeek magazine March 11, 2010.

A Food Fight for Hugo Chavez 

With his popularity sagging, Venezuela's fiery President is seizing supermarkets from owners. But can he keep stores stocked?

This is what happens in socialist societies like Venezuela. Ask anyone that lived in Eastern Europe before the fall of the Soviet Union. Shortages were the norm. There is an elitist group that has enough of everything & the rest struggle with shortages.

With everyone I've ever met that lived in Eastern Europe or even Cuba, they were absolutely astounded by something we take for granted every day; a clean and fully stocked supermarket with fresh fruits, vegetables & meats. I urge you to look for someone from these countries and talk to them about what they love most about our country. I betcha markets are at or very near the top. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Governor Signs Home Buyer Tax Credit Legislation Into LawGovernor Signs Home Buyer Tax Credit Legislation Into Law

Governor Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 183, the Homebuyer Tax Credit legislation, into law today.

AB 183 will provide $200 million for home buyer tax credits, allocating $100 million for qualified first-time home buyers of existing homes and $100 million for purchasers of new, or previously unoccupied, homes. The eligible taxpayer who purchases a qualified personal residence on and after May 1, 2010, and on or before Dec. 31, 2010, or who purchases a qualified principal residence on and after Dec. 31, 2010, and before Aug. 1, 2011, pursuant to an enforceable contract executed on or before Dec. 31, 2010, will be able to take the allowed tax credit. The credit is equal to the lesser of 5 percent of the purchase price or $10,000, in equal installments over three consecutive years. Under AB 183, purchasers will be required to live in the home for at least two years or forfeit the credit (i.e., repay it to the state).

The impact of the federal home buyer tax credit is clear.
Nearly 40 percent of first-time home buyers said they would not have purchased a home if the federal tax credit for first-time home buyers was not offered, according to California Association of Realtors research conducted last year.

So as long as government subsidizes buyers, lower-priced housing will continue to fuel the real estate market.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Molly the Owl

Our friend, Carlos Royal, has captured the imagination of thousands by providing a LIVE video feed of a barn owl. He & his wife, Donna, have named the female owl Molly. This is an up close viewing into the life of Molly & her mate as they raise their family. It's even made the channel 5 news in Los Angeles!

My wife's hooked! Maybe you will be too!

U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments looking to convert IRAs & pensions to Govt. annuities

The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments are looking to convert private IRAs & pensions into government  annuities. The idea is to convert the accounts to investing in U.S. Treasury bonds. Realistically, the Legislature will make the money available to pay the government debt; just like they did with the Social Security monies. And we're all being told not to expect Social Security to pay us upon our retirement...

There is “a tremendous amount of interest in the White House” in retirement-security initiatives, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” __ Thomas Jefferson

Here are links to three different articles on the subject:

Stand up and give voice to your representatives in Washington or live with the results. If you do not tell them otherwise, your representatives will believe you agree with them... may be you do.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kill Health Care Bill, contact your representative IMMEDIATELY

I hope you've been paying attention to what's going on in Washington. The supporters of the health care bill are trying to PERMANENTLY tie education to the health care initiative in order to get it passed!!! This is the showdown for a socialist state (Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, et al.) or a capitalist one. Your choice.


Let your voice be heard NOW because this will fundamentally change the way our country operates from capitalism to socialism:

202-224-3121  or


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Master Ukulele Bill Tan

Not me, my father. Those of you that were on the cruise in October got to meet him. Unfortunately, I couldn't convince him to bring his ukulele along.

YouTube - I Left My Heart In San Francisco & Here's that Rainy Day & One Note Samba

Master Ukulele Bill Tan Plays "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" ... Master Ukulele Bill Tan plays "I'll Remember Ap... 2064 views ...

Be sure your sound is on!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Important consumer info: tips on how to stop a car that suddenly accelerates

This has renewed importance recently. Here are tips on how to stop a car that suddenly accelerates uncontrollably.

This clip that points out what to do and what not to if you're driving a car that suddenly accelerates. Since the Toyota incidents, it's vital to watch this and share it with your family and friends.


Drive safely!

Peter Fortunato's b-day

Today, March 15th, is Pete Fortunato's birthday. Wish him Happy Brithday if you get a chance.

Bill Tan explains a wraparound mortgage/AITD

Last January 30th, Shawn Watkins & Aaron Mazzrillo put on a creative financing seminar. I was honored when they asked me to open the event with an explanation of what creative financing is. Someone was recording it and this is the end of my presentation where I explain what a wraparound mortgage and an all-inclusive trust deed (AITD) is. It's a 9 minute clip that begins well into my explanation. Let me know what you think.


Monday, March 08, 2010

Maui Mastermind/David Finkel - Build a Level 3 Business workshop reviews

Here are attendees reviews about the workshop:

This is in response to your request about our opinion of the Maui Mastermind experience. I thought it presented a lot of information and kept fairly well on track. Even though I don’t wish to build a level 3 business myself, I can see what direction I should head in so I don’t end up being a slave to my business. The information was organized and laid out in a logical fashion. Even though they did have one guest speaker selling her program, it tied into the subject, and she was not as long-winded as most “selling” speakers.

My only “beef”, as with almost every seminar, is the fact that they made a big deal about being back from our breaks on time, yet as the seminar progressed, they themselves got worse and worse about starting on time. Since they were running behind on the last day, because of this reason, the explanation of how to operate a Mastermind Group was hurried through. Since “Mastermind” is in their company’s name and a major topic in their book, I was surprised that the topic was glossed over so quickly, saying that we could read the sheet for ourselves.

But all in all, I would definitely recommend it to someone wishing to build a business.  __  T.B.

Thank you for introducing David and Stephen. I appreciated the huddle at the last day for feedback. Per your request, would like to provide some input.

-Good material for beginners
-Good business outline for the start up and how to use their consulting services if need be, and make a company valuable to sell
-Excellent Time Management Piece: I agree with you that this was possibly the best part
-Didn’t discuss partnerships as promised before the lunch break on Sunday. I would like to request some info or follow up if that permits
-Great value for SDCIA members: Thank you for setting that up!
However, most workshops are up selling. The more you pay, the more you get perhaps.

The only speaker of the panel of 4 on Sat. early afternoon, was Pakreet Padda, that I found very successful. But he was a MD prior to building businesses. With a high income to begin with, it’s easy to thrive with the right people for ventures.

Please take my feedback as an opinion. Thank you again for putting all this together and SDCIA for us to hone our skills.  __  J.H.

I've been to several seminars since I began this new educational process last year. Compared to the others I've attended, the Maui weekend offered more good content and less snake oil than any of them. I felt that David Finkel was a high-quality dude (meaning he was sharp, pleasant and sincere), and I was impressed with his candor and the panel he assembled for the Q & A session. I did not sign up for the high-dollar stuff so I can't speak to what they do when you're in their student stream. Besides the fact that they didn't shell out for any food, coffee or frills of any kind, I thought it was a terrific use of my three-day weekend to be there.

I appreciate your efforts to steer these folks toward value, and I think you're right on in using the club resources for this purpose. Great job; thank you!  __ D.H.

The focus of this conference was Business Development: working with business owners to help them both grow their businesses independent of themselves and to grow their wealth independent of their businesses. It,too, was both well planned and well executed. David Finkel was the primary speaker. He is fortyish, talented, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and dynamic business owner, real estate investor, author, and educator. A panel discussion provided a friendly yet intensive interaction between the audience and several panel experts who represented a wide range of real estate investment and business development experience.
Bill, as you know, I subscribe to both of these organizations. And I believe that both Than and David provide excellent education, materials, resources, and conferences. I recommend them as speakers for SDCIA.
__  A.L.


Fortune Builders/Than Merrill Marketing & Wholesale Bootcamp review

Here are attendees review of the bootcamp:

I attended this conference from start to finish. The conference focus was the Marketing and Wholesale of Real Estate Investments. It was both well planned and well executed. Than Merrill was the primary speaker. He is young, talented, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and dynamic. A panel discussion provided a friendly interaction between the audience and several panel experts who represented a wide range of real estate investment experience.

Bill, as you know, I subscribe to both of these organizations. And I believe that both Than and David provide excellent education, materials, resources, and conferences. I recommend them as speakers for SDCIA.

  __ A.L.

It was a pleasure speaking with you today. J and I wanted to share our experience this weekend at "Than Merrill's Wholesaling Boot camp" in San Diego.

At the wealth builders expo in January we listened to several speakers share their concepts and training programs. Being new to the investing arena J and I were comparing a few key points to determine who we may align with and what school we would attend for additional training.

J had checked out the Norris group, on line and through his radio program. He was very impressed with the systems, knowledge and information they are willing to share with their listeners. At the seminar they offered their three day boot camp and hard money lending for their students ($3995 per person): They also offered to rebate the cost of the seminar back to you on every deal that you use their hard money program.

The reason we did not sign that day was: They operate in Riverside county: The cost was more than we had to spend and we thought it would be valuable to work with a company in the county that we wanted to invest in, which in our case is San Diego.

When Than Merrill presented his company: They were offering a cash buyers list in our area: A four day wholesaling boot camp located in San Diego. They also offered to walk their students through their deals and lend hard money to their students who were able to fund their own deals. They also seemed to have a great system for marketing on line and direct mail campaigns. In addition, they were offering a discount: $1995.00 for two people. For these reasons we were the first to stand up and accept the offer.

This was our first real estate seminar; I would say our expectations were that at the end of the four days we would have a clear picture of the steps needed to complete a wholesale deal. The first day was an overview of information that you could apply to any business. It was a lot of great ideas of marketing and a basic "how to" to do business. We were excited that if the remaining three days were filled with that much information on wholesaling our expectations would not only have been met, but exceeded.

Day two we were expecting to learn about the acquisition of probate properties and instead we heard from a”Vegas Hypnotist"! Marshall Sylver. He was selling his seminar for $2000. He told the room that if we were not willing to implement his systems we shouldn't do real estate investing because it was the missing link. The entire time he spoke he had the crowd raising their hands in agreeance, he went as far as to say if you do not agree with this program and do not want to attend his seminar you should leave right now!! I didn't feel it was his place to tell those who were not interested in his seminars to leave the wholesaling boot camp. One thing is sure he was able to control a lot of people in the room and therefore many signed up.

That afternoon was a segment on rehabbing: There was some good general information on rehabbing properties and working with contractors; however, the rehab Boot Camp in San Diego this July was now being sold. (2000.00)

That afternoon Than Merrill spoke. There was information throughout the seminar that would be very valuable for all who attended. However, now the selling for the Mastery Program began. Here is when we discovered that although we had signed up for the wholesaling boot camp and the cash buyers list that did not make us students. To become a student with the benefits of the Fortune Builders assistance for your first several deals and the use of their hard money lenders you needed to join the Mastery Program that cost $25,000. They said there were three levels of commitment; however, the only dollar amount we heard was the highest level of $25,000.

I had heard that they tried to up sell people at these seminars before: however, I never expected this.

The third day there was a teaching on tax planning and corporate set up. Of course this is very valuable information and they were also selling their program. ( I heard from another student it cost; $7,500.00)

The Memphis Invest group followed the tax segment. There was a lot of information on the Memphis Company and purchasing properties to hold as long term investments. The company locates the properties, you invest and they take care of the property management for you. (Although this was a turnkey operation, it doesn’t have anything to do with wholesaling).

Day four began with locating private money for your investing: growing your company, hiring employees and building your team. (Again good information.)

Then the selling began with Zach Childress and MLS Gorilla. His concept was a virtual investing business and taking that to the next level with all virtual assistants. Although there was good information for this type of business plan, it seemed to be specific to his program.

I think I was disappointed in the lack of a comprehensive plan to come home Monday morning and begin wholesaling properties here in San Diego with the assistance of Fortune Builders team and access to their hard money loans.

I don’t believe I would have attended the boot camp and spent the money if I thought we had to spend an additional 25,000 to get access to the benefits Than Merrill presented at the Wealth Builder Seminar.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to our concerns.  __ M.A.
